1) Deposit into a bank account

The bank account in which payment for goods can be deposited for your order is:

ALPHA BANK IBAN: GR4301401470147002002015513


ATTENTION – Web Banking. If you choose a bank account deposit as the payment method, we recommend you use an account with the same bank as the bank of our account

If you do not have an Alpha Bank account, and the transaction is done online through another bank, you will have to pay the interchange fee by selecting it in the relevant field (usually by selecting the ‘OUR’ option from the relevant list). Otherwise, your order cannot be completed.

It is necessary to state the order number given to you upon completion. Then send us the copy of the bank payment order to our sales department via email: amba@satyanandamath.gr

Once we receive the copy, we will deliver your order immediately.

2) Cash on delivery

Payment for your order is made in cash when it is delivered by courier to your location. According to the law, amounts over Є500 (five hundred) can be paid only with:

  • a deposit/transfer to a bank account
  • a debit or credit card charge

3) Credit card

The online store accepts all Visa, Mastercard, and Diners credit cards. Transactions are protected  by the highest security systems.

It is necessary to fill in all the details (card number, expiry date and issuing bank) and for your own safety, be present during the delivery of your order, with your ID and credit card.

4) Payment by receipt or invoice

Depending on what you require, a retail receipt or invoice can be issued. In the case of an invoice (which concerns self-employed professionals or companies) it is necessary to fill in the following information: your Tax File Number (AFM) and your tax office, name and surname, head office address, your profession, the type of business and your telephone number.